Quilting and Sewing in a Quaint Little Fishing Village

Chinook, Washington. Location of my home business "Quiltin' by Hylton". And It's true. Chinook is indeed a quaint little fishing village. Population 450. The town is located on the corner of Columbia and Pacific. That's where the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean come together. 

I've been a seamstress since junior high, whenI taught myself to sew on my great-Aunt Cena's Singer Featherweight. My journey into quilting began about 25 years ago. In 2007 I opened my shop "Quiltin' by Hylton" doing strictly longarm quilting. This was my happy place!  When life got a bit too busy I had to put a pause on the shop. Newly retired with time on my hands and plenty of fabric and I'm back in business!

The shop is currently a work in progress .My focus now is on sewing projects rather than the quilting end all because my longarm machine is in Bend, Oregon and I'm in Chinook, Washington and there's no room for the machine here. However, if all goes according to plan, I should have a new quilting shop finished by the end of summer or early fall.

Until then, I am happily working in my shop inside the house, building up inventory on the sewing end and getting some quilts ready for quilting as soon as the new shop is finished and my machine is back from Bend, Oregon. 

You'll find smaller mini-shops within my main Etsy shop. Right now there is a potholder shop, a table runner shop up and a bag shop. Other shops to follow.  I don't mass produce any of my items. Some items are one of a kind. Others will be made in small, limited quantities. If you scroll through the photos you'll see pics of my in house sewing shop and some close up of my projects. 
This is a shop for browsing! So grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy looking for that "just right" item. 

I sew with a Bernina Artista 730 and a Pfaff with built in walking foot. My quilting machine is a Gammill Classic Plus. I have lots of pantographs but I especially enjoy freehand quilting.

Well, that's my shop! Quiltin' by Hylton. I hope you come back, visit this shop often, and find just what you are looking for. 

Liz Hylton